Everyone has run into the problem before, I'm sure. You're going along with your mix and getting great sounding drums and guitars when you realize your vocal just isn't sitting in the mix where you want it. You can hear them, they just aren't the focal point that you want them to be.
There are a couple of things you can do to address this. One of them is to address the mix. It is sometimes hard, or even impossible, to bring up the level of a track that is not as present as you would like. In these situations remember that you can adjust the levels around the track you want affected. If the vocals aren't loud enough and you can't raise the level anymore than it is already, lower the surrounding instruments.
Now that you have a general mix that sounds good, you may need more work done on the vocals to help them stand out just a bit more. Next I would automate the vocal track and/or instrument tracks to raise or lower throughout the song to make sure that the focal point is where it needs to be. If there is a vocal break, for instance, you want the focal point to shift to one of the instrument tracks that takes over the melody.

To then bring the track out in your mix, find the range that the vocal sits in and give it a slight boost. This range varies greatly from person to person, so use your ears and sweep the frequencies to find the right place to boost This will give the track more presence in your mix. Our ears are designed to pick up the frequency range of the voice and so any boost in this range allows the vocal to cut through the mix better.

The last thing I do is put a High Shelf EQ on the upper range of frequencies above the sibilance. This gives the track an airy quality that gives it brightness and a shimmering tone that I find pleasing.
I have included down below a sample recording showcasing these techniques to bring out the vocal in this track. By making these cuts and boosts and bringing down the levels of certain instrument tracks I was able to effectively bring out the vocal.
What are some techniques you use for EQing your vocal tracks? Do you like to primarily cut when you EQ or boost? Share some of your techniques and experiences in the comments below.